Upper Cervical Grostic Based Technique
Crowe Chiropractic serves not only Atlanta, Georgia, area patients, but worldwide, with a precise scientific procedure to tell exactly where and when spinal vertebrae need to be adjusted. Crowe Chiropractic uses subluxation-based chiropractic techniques that are Upper Cervical Grostic Based, primarily the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure. It is renowned in the chiropractic community for being a practice that concentrates on the ATLAS, or C1 vertebra, subluxation, which is unique unto itself. Crowe Chiropractic employs specific, gentle techniques that are precise.
The ATLAS supports the skull. This is where the brain stem blends with the spinal cord, the channel through which all information passes between brain and body, and body and brain. A subluxated ATLAS has full-body implications affecting nerve flow between all organs, glands, musculature, and the brain. This leads to pain, illness, dysfunction and other nerve issues.